Find Out More About the Proposed End of Life Choice Act

Find Out More About the Proposed End of Life Choice Act


Risky Law:

“Whatever your views of death and dying, this Act is poor legislation because it does not protect people from being killed against their will.”


Vote Safe:

“LETHAL DOSE: with NO parental knowledge required; with NO assessment for coercion required; with NO mental health support required; with NO attempted treatment required; and with NO physical pain required.”


Care Alliance, A Fatal Law with Fatal Flaws:

“The End of Life Choice Act is: Unsafe – lacks adequate safeguards against wrongful deaths; Unwise – will fundamentally change our societal attitudes towards compassion for the worse; and Unnecessary – we can address end-of-life suffering without using lethal doses of drugs.”


Hospice, Euthanasia – Our Opinion:

We need to address issues of access to care, social isolation, lack of support for family carers before we give people the means to choose death.”