Notes on COVID-19 Vaccines and the moral implications of their manufacture

Dr John Kleinsman – Director - Nathaniel Center for Bioethics
Rev Dr Graham O’Brien – Co-chair - InterChurch Bioethics Council
February 2021


Given the global roll-out of vaccination against Covid-19, some have raised concerns about the production of these vaccines – in particular the use of morally compromised human cell lines originally derived from tissue sourced from an aborted foetus. Some people feel caught in a moral dilemma – wanting to do the right thing to protect themselves and others from the deadly COVID-19 virus but unwilling to be morally complicit in the abortion process.

Two of the compromised cell lines in question are HEK 293 (derived in 1973 from kidney issue taken from an aborted foetus) and PER.C6 (developed from retinal cells from an 18-week-old fetus aborted in 1985).

In summary, the key points are:

  1. A willingness to be vaccinated against COVID-19 does not imply a moral endorsement of the way they have been produced. While the situation creates a genuine dilemma, it is not a matter of Christians having to overlook the immorality of abortion.
  2. Given the current danger, being vaccinated against the corona virus is accurately described as an act that upholds, and is arguably even demanded by, our duty to the common good of society.
  3. Where a choice exists, it is morally preferable for people to choose either of the mRNA vaccines rather than the Oxford-AstraZeneca or Janssen options.
  4. There have not been any compromises made in testing the safety and effectiveness of the vaccines despite the shortened development and manufacturing time.

Articles of interest:
A link from the Lozier Institute which graphically shows the moral status of the different vaccines is available here: Also see additional link

Vaccine Knowledge Project

How the RNA Vaccine is made:

How the Oxford-AstraZeneca Vaccine is made:
Podcast British Medical Journal

How the vaccine works