Related websites

The links provided on this page are to sites which may interest those looking for information about bioethics, and particularly Catholic bioethics. We have also provided links to key Church documents of relevance for bioethics, such as encyclicals, together with statements by the New Zealand Catholic Bishops Conference and other Bishops Conferences. The commentary on each link is our synopsis of the nature of the site.

The Catholic Church in New Zealand
The Bishops and Dioceses links to statements by the New Zealand Catholic Bishops' Conference on bioethical issues.

The Vatican Website
Documents which can be found on this site include:
Evangelium Vitae (On the Value and Inviolability of Human Life)
Donum Vitae (On Respect for Human Life in its Origin and on the Dignity of Procreation)
Humanae Vitae (On the Regulation of Birth)
Declaration on Procured Abortion
Declaration on Euthanasia
Veritatis Splendour (The Splendour of Truth)
Declaration on the Production and the Scientific and Therapeutic use of Human Embryonic Stem Cells

Pontifical Academy for Life
This Vatican site has documents in English on cloning, stem cells, the dignity of the dying person, xenotransplantation, and many other topics, easily accessed through the site's search facility.

New Zealand Links

EPA New Zealand
EPA New Zealand (formerly ERMA) is the agency responsible for the implementation of the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996. The Act was set up to protect the environment and health and safety of people and communities by preventing or managing the adverse effects of hazardous substances and organisms. It is the primary New Zealand legislation relating to genetic modified organisms.

International Links

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops - Pro-Life Activities
Maintained by one of the departments of The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, this site contains fact sheets, news releases, Church documents and many relevant articles on a wide range of bioethical issues.

The Kennedy Institute of Ethics
The Joseph and Rose Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Georgetown University, is a teaching and research centre offering ethical perspectives on major policy issues. The Institute also houses the most extensive library of ethics in the world, the National Reference Centre for Bioethics Literature; produces BIOETHICSLINE, an online medical ethics database; and conducts regular seminars and courses in bioethics.

The National Catholics Bioethics Centre (USA)
The mission of the National Catholic Bioethics Centre (formerly Pope John Centre) in the United States is to engage in research and reflection, within the Catholic tradition, on moral issues arising in health care and the life sciences.

The Anscombe Bioethics Centre
The Anscombe Bioethics Centre, formerly the Linacre Catholic Bioethics Centre, exists to help Catholics understand the Church's position on many contentious questions in medical ethics. Although its perspective is informed by Catholic moral teaching, in defending such teaching it seeks also to appeal to non-religious, philosophical reasoning to enable dialogue with those of no religious faith.

The World Federation of Catholic Medical Association
The World Federation of Catholic Medical Associations is made up of approximately 50 National Catholic Physicians' Associations worldwide and has its permanent Secretariat in Rome, Italy.

Catholic Health Association of the United States
The Catholic Health Association of the United States represents more than 1,200 Catholic healthcare sponsors, systems, facilities, and related organisations.
Information for research on euthanasia, physician-assisted suicide, living wills, "mercy killing". This site is committed to the fundamental belief that the direct killing of another person is wrong, and has a deep sympathy for those people who are suffering.

The Queensland Bioethics Centre
The Queensland Bioethics Centre is a community service sponsored by the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Brisbane, Australia. They provide regular briefings on current bioethical issues, an up-to-date resource library, workshops for professional and community groups and parishes, and an online resource centre.

Catholic Earthcare Australia
Catholic Earthcare Australia is an ecological agency recently established by the Australian Catholic Bishops' Conference. Its mission is to help promote understanding among people that creation is sacred and endangered, and must be protected and preserved for present and future generations yet unborn.

Caroline Chisholm Centre for Health Ethics
The Caroline Chisholm Centre for Health Ethics, Australia, began operation in March 1995. It began as a response to Catholic Hospitals' demand for greater understanding and advice on ethical issues in health care. The Centre publishes a quarterly Bulletin.The journals articles are short, solid, well researched, readable and directed to informed persons seeking moral truth in health ethics in the Catholic Christian tradition.

Please note that the websites listed above are not administered by The Nathaniel Centre, and therefore we cannot take responsibility for their content.